Andacollo > things to do

Things to do in Andacollo

Andacollo no es un gran centro turístico, pero sin duda es un lugar donde se puede respirar lo que es la verdadera esencia del norte neuquino, dedicado a la ganadería y la agricultura. Se pueden realizar varios circuitos para conocer la ciudad y sus alrdedores.

Cerca de la localidad de Andacollo se encuentra Colo Michi Có, uno de los sitios de riqueza arqueológica más importantes de América y que esconde inusitados relatos y gran cantidad de depósitos de arte rupestre.


Andacollo, the gold rush Among the valleys of the Cordillera del Viento it is the city of Andacollo in the province of Neuquén. In it you can breathe what is the true essence of the North of Neuquén, dedicated to livestock and agriculture.
Veranador Festival Since 1994 it takes place in Andacollo the Veranador Festival, a feast with folk performances, gaucho parade, rodeo and native skills.
Rock Art in Neuquén, Colo Michi Có Near the city of Andacollo it is Colo Michi Có, one of the sites of major archaeological wealth of America.
Touring Andacollo city Andacollo City proposes a series of tours that take you to explore every corner of the city and its surroundings, where you will learn its geography, flora, fauna and history.
Andacollo: ideal starting point Andacollo offers several tours to enjoy its natural attractions, among them are included the mining, forestry, fishing, history and culture, spas, climbing, lakes, veranadas and festivals.

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