Steppe > Ing. Jacobacci

Antropological and Historical Museum Jorge H. Gerhold in Jacobacci See map

The anthropological and historical museum Jorge H. Gerhold is one of the largest in Patagonia. It displays regional papers, mammal fossils, giant lithic spearheads, a unique ceremonial ax and a collection of Aboriginal skulls of Patagonia.

5 km from Ingeniero Jacobacci it is the place where dinosaurs trod the earth for the last time, known as the "Tomb of the last dinosaurs". Such is the discovery of Argentine scientist Rodolfo Casamiquela, who after digging up bones of dozens of dinosaurs in the same ossuary found that they were all juveniles, thus he established that they did not come to adults because conditions in the atmosphere eliminated from a cataclysm 65 million years ago.

It was also found an egg with a double shell, indisputable evidence of stress experienced by females due to changes in living environment. In such cases, the eggs go back up the oviduct and the second shell covers the pores of the first killing the new being inside the egg which will also stop procreation.

Whether this strange egg than 20 cm (one of the largest in the world) as the skeletal remains of one of the last titanosaur and other wonders can be seen at the Museum of Ingeniero Jacobacci, which also has one of the most complete samples of Patagonia both of fossil and of elements that reveal the cultural and social patterns of ancient populations.

The museum is complemented by anthropological collections and the Ñumican Craft Center, where you can see weavers and spinners displaying their ancestral Mapuche loom management, as well as acquire some products.

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