Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Chapelco Ski Center See map

Skiing with a view to one of the largest volcanoes in the province of Neuquén, the Lanin volcano and taking the Andes and Lake Lacar as witnesses, is one of the many tastes that can have Cerro Chapelco's visitors.

Chapelco, San martinChapelco in Agosto with the Lanín Volcano in the background. Photo courtesy of Roberto from photo album

Chapelco offers a padded surface for skiing as it is a hill without stones, with plenty of beautiful lawns and surrounded by native lenga forests. This ski area free of rocks makes it possible to enjoy the slopes even in light snow.
Chapelco has 31 ski slopes of varying difficulty, making the center offers alternatives for all levels. Beginners can ski at the base or the Pista 63 and the bravest can slide down the black slopes, the bumps and jumps.

For snowboard lovers the winter resort has a Snowboard Park where they made windscreen to keep the snow, especially designed for practice and competition of different modalities such as parallel slalom, half pipe, fun park and go biga.

As for the slopes, the maximum is 45 º and the minimum 20 º. The summit is at 1980 meters and the ski area is 140 hectares with a vertical drop (not cumulative) of 730 meters. From the top of the quadruple chairlift of the Mallin to the base, the maximum length is 5.3 km. Another possibility is down from the top of the Poma del Filo and Pioneros in 3.4 km.

Chapelco also boasts of good and abundant snow during "peak" of winter. The snowy precipitation annual basis is 1.50 meters and 2.50 meters at the summit, while the average snow depth is 0.50 meters. At the base, 1 meter in intermediate and 1.30 meters at the top. Experts can enjoy the speed off-piste, sink and float in the snow.

Video courtesy of Cerro Chapelco.

The center has a capacity to transport 11,718 people per hour, skiers can navigate the hill using their magnetic cards called snow pass. Eleven lifts expedite the transfer of the skiers. The cabins, comfortable and warm in five minutes can reach 1600 platform, area of secure ​​snow all winter. A cabin, five lifts (two doubles, one triple, two quad) and five drive means cover the entire area.

Chapelco has a ski school recognised internationally, with its 20 years of experience in teaching the sport with a team of professors at the highest European level. In that school they teach the various disciplines of skiing:

  • Alpine
  • Nordic
  • parabolic ski
  • adventure skiing
  • paragliding
  • mono ski
  • snowboarding in its various forms
  • off-piste skiing.

For those who do not want to ski there are rides with sled dogs or for more speed on snowmobiles.

How to get there?

Leaving the city of San Martín (1600 miles distant and an hour and a half flight from Buenos Aires), take the National Route No. 234 which skirts the Lake Lácar. You cover 16 km paved, joining left to Provincial Highway No. 19 and after a journey of 5 km along this gravel route leads to the base of the hill.

Rates 2011 season - Lifts


Low season
11/06 al 01/07
10/09 al 02/10

Mid season
02/07 al 08/07
30/07 a 26/08

High season 09/07 a 29/07

Special season
28/08 a 10/09


Major Min/Sen Major Min/Sen Major Min/Sen
Cabin 70 55 105 75 135 95 80 60
Daily pass 170 140 220 205 265 240 190 160
Weekend 255 245 355 320 455 360 295 280
3 days pass 465 380 660 540 800 660 540 430
4 days pass 630 520 870 785 1130 930 720 595
5 days pass 765 625 1060 930 1370 1090 870 715
Weekly pass 905 730 1250 1120 1595 1295 1035 835
University student pass 730 - 1120 - - - 830 -
15 days pass 1795 1465 2520 2220 3155 2560 2050 1670
Monthly pass 3510 2810 4915 4295 6250 5080 4005 3205
Season pass 7290 5260 7290 5260 7290 5260 7290 5260

• Infants: 0 to 5 Free • Children: 6 to 11 years • Major: 12 to 59 years • Seniors: 60 to 69 years • Over 70 years: Free • University student: 18 to 28 years

- The loss, breakage or damage to the chip card will cost recharge / reset.
- People with disabilities (presenting certificate of disability) can have the Pass free of charge, just pay the daily insurance.
- The college students must present current documentation that proves itself (book, cert. Free debt, cert. Regular student, etc).
- When a subscription covers 2 seasons will be charged proportionately.
- Rates subject to change without notice, denominated in pesos.


Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoHostería Latitud Cuarenta El Latitud Cuarenta, situado en San Martín de los Andes, a menos de 1 km de la playa de San Martín ofrecever másTel: San Martín de los Andes

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