Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Bird watchers meet in Patagonia See map

In the city of San Martin de los Andes are prepared every November for the annual gathering of bird watchers and nature lovers, attended by visitors from around the world.

pechito-coloradoPatagonia bird known as Pechito Colorado.  Photo Courtesy Claudio Miño

Each year birdwatchers have their meeting place in the city of San Martin de los Andes where they meet to exchange experiences, field trips, lectures, symposia, workshops and more.

Fair, workshops, photographs, art galleries and conferences are some of the many activities related to the birds and study of their behavior and habitat.

The schedule includes workshops, courses and lectures on topics of birds in general, scientific advances, presentation of natural areas, presentation of books and everything related to birds and their environment.

In the Fair birders have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge or supplement it in diverse topics such as banding, nature photography, systematics, migration, and many more.

San Martin de los Andes is a strategic location for observation because in it converge 3 biogeographic regions each with their own birds. There are also rural areas and wetlands.

During the meeting are provided observation tours each day and pre and post-fair.

At the fair three languages are speak​​: Spanish, Portuguese and English.

ave-autoctonaNative bird which is usually on the bank of rivers. Picture taken in Río Negro. Photo courtesy of Claudio Miño

Workshops and courses on birds:

  • Banding and other study skills
  • Photography
  • Neotropical Waterbird Census: how to participate
  • Systematics of South America
  • Sounds and sonograms
  • Latin applied
  • Biogeography of South America
  • Tourism & Birdwatching
  • Education
  • Infrastructure for birds in the gardens

More information at

Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoDepartamento Duplex Lola Mora El Duplex Lola Mora ofrece alojamiento con wi fi gratis y TV de pantalla plana. Tiene acceso a patio con vista a la montaña,ver másTel: San Martín de los Andes

Viajes por la Patagonia


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