Beaches > Puerto Madryn

Madryn Al Plato: The foods of Patagonia. See map

The southern city of Puerto Madryn makes an event where gastronomy and art are the main players, "Madryn al Plato," which takes place during the month of July. 

Madryn al PlatoGourmet event's official logo.

For the event there are are held workshops, lectures, tastings and exhibitions of works of art representative in the Municipal Museum of Art and restaurants attached.

The main objectives of this themed event are:

  • disseminate regional cuisine and products (fish, seafood and lamb)
  • organize a themed event to generate the promotion of the destination and the tourist flow in the low whale season
  • assist with coontinuos training and coaching of local food sector
  • produce actions that generate interest and community involvement
  • develop the local cuisine stimulating creativity and the use of regional products.

The event has had in its various editions the presence of special guests including patissier chef Osvaldo Gross and pastry chef Andrea Gonzalez, the chef Joan Coll, consultants Sergio Mazzitelli, Dora Videla and Alejandra Garcia Hauw, the National Network Coordinator Chefs from Argentina, and gourmet chef's advice of Rapretti Gustavo from Puerto Madryn. 

Throughout the week which runs the competition it takes place a gastronomic circuit where local restaurants present their promotional dishes prepared from local products (fish, seafood and lamb).

The event is organized by the Municipal Secretary of Tourism and the Municipal Museum of Art, sponsored by AHRCOBA, UTHGRA, AAVYTPV, the Chamber of Commerce, AHT and many hotels, restaurants and local suppliers.

Madryn al Plato 2011

From July 25 to 30 will be held for the fourth consecutive year the event which features the cuisine. In "Madryn al Plato" it features regional cuisine and dishes made with local products such as fish, seafood and lamb.

This year it will feature the participation of renowned chef like Dolly Irigoyen, Tekehiro Ohno and Ezequiel Gallardo.

From July 2 it will be conducting the gastronomic circuit, where two national chefs will act as jury for the award of diplomas that will be the 25th.


  • July 25: Opening in Portal Madryn - Presentation of certificates
  • July 26: Training by Jorge López Cortés (Feghgra)
  • July 27: Wine Tasting
  • July 28: Master Class with Ohno
  • July 29: Making a "Patagonian Pairing" with Dolly Irigoyen
  • July 30: Closing Dinner
Demostración en Madryn al PlatoWhen the chef Kristoff Madryn dictated his class for the 2008 edition.

Alojamiento en Puerto Madryn

FotoDepartamento Oasis del Sur Ubicado a 500 metros del monumento a los colonos galeses y a 1,3 km del muelle Luis Piedrabuena. Posee aire acondicionadover másTel: Puerto Madryn

Viajes por la Patagonia


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