Valleys > General Roca

Night trekking: walking by the light of the moon in General Roca See map

Patagonia is characterized by a diversity of landscapes that impact tourists. The particularities of the bards that are in the area of ​​Paso Córdoba are conducive to the practice of recreational activities on the environment.

Walking along the paths of the cliffs by the light of the moon and observe the flora and fauna is an interesting excursion for visitors that come to General Roca.

The night trekking allows you to discover a vantage point from where you can see a strong contrast between the valley, the steppe of Patagonia, the river, the city of General Roca and north bards.

This activity takes place once a month or every twenty days when the moon is full and is part of the "adventure ecotourism" project, proposed by the management of tourism in the city.

valle de la luna, rocaValley of the Moon, daylight

The walk begins sunset when the lights disappear from the "Bjada de los Caballos" in the protected area of ​​Paso Córdoba and walk the trails surrounding geological formation that attracts thousands of visitors in all seasons.

Claudio Paz is the tour guide for this adventure and argues that it is a competition, but the goal is to know and enjoy the scenery. As the trek begins from a lowering of the bard, during their long downward, making it a sport for anyone who is interested.

The departure time is modified according to the season in which they performed in summer begins at 9pm and in winter at 7pm.

Tourists can see the various shapes of the stones found in the canyon and see the "Valley of the Moon" which is part of the bard, which thanks to the erosion of the centuries, wind and rain made it a rather unusual appearance.

During the three or four hours of walking, visitors arrive at the riverbank, they know the famous labyrinth of the "Cañadón del Náutico", where the locals received them with a great stove.

In the night trekking can be seen birds like eagles, swallows, partridges, vultures, who are the visible part of the wildlife that has adapted to the dry climate.

For tourists the local flora is very interesting. Despite its desert aspect, these plants are those that give beauty to the landscape as jarillas, alpataco, coirón, jume, cat's claw, Zampa, colapiche, cactus and molle.

In this sport not only you get to know the landscape with its impressive history, but games are made for integration among the visitors. After traveling four kilometers tourists enjoy a "asado" in the middle of the bards, under the moonlight and breathe the warm air that allows them to rest from the noise of the city.

People who want to participate in the trekking night must wear comfortable shoes, bring water, a flashlight and a coat.

Besides trekking, in the bards are practiced in different activities such as mountain biking, paragliding, abseiling, fishing and water sports such as rowing and rafting descents.

By Alejandra Diaz

Alojamiento en General Roca

FotoHotel La Fundacion Emplazado en el complejo de la Ciudad de las Artes de Gral Roca ubicada en el norte de la Patagonia. Contamos con habitacionesver másTel: +54 298 442-9050General Roca

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