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Useful information on Health Barriers in Patagonia See map

When traveling to Patagonia you must take some precautions in terms of food transported, because this area is a Protected Area of agricultural pests and diseases.

Barreras FunbapaOne of the checkpoints before entering the Patagonia.

Thanks to the work of control and health carried out by the Fundación Barrera Zoofitosanitaria Patagónica (FunBaPa) it has been managed to rid the Patagonia of some pests that are in the rest of the country, turning it into an area with a zoo and phytosanitary status differentiated.


For this reason, every time the tourist enter the Patagonia, it will find health barriers that will control the food that moves. As a region known as Free Fruit Fly Area and, in turn, a large part of its territory it is also internationally recognized as FMD-free without vaccination Area, it is forbidden the entry of products of plant or animal origin.

In this way, it can be maintained the protected region and the local agricultural production (fruits, vegetables, sheep and cattle) can be marketed in international markets with significant competitive advantages, thus generating more jobs and income.

Barreras SanitariasIn the stalls dogs are used to sniff luggage in order to detect foods that are restricted.

For all these reasons, the mission of FunBaPa is to protect the health heritage and it involves eight provincial governments, the National Government through SENASA and all producers of Patagonia.

For more information about the entry of food restrictions visit the official website of the State Agency: to avoid inconvenience when traveling.

Source and photos: FunBaPa

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